Heading to NOLA for Jazz Fest? Here are a few of the special traditions and customs that make New Orleans one-of-a-kind.

Heading to NOLA for Jazz Fest? Here are a few of the special traditions and customs that make New Orleans one-of-a-kind.
Mexico City is the largest city in the Western Hemisphere, with over 16 boroughs, 21 million people, and hundreds of neighborhoods. When you look at it in this context, it’s no surprise that it also has hundreds of museums within the city limits. You’d be cheating yourself of some of the most amazing experiences outside your typical art history...
I just got back yesterday from a 4 day trip to NOLA, Louisiana. It was a bit of a last minute affair for a friend’s cousin’s birthday, and absolutely worth every minute. It was my second trip there and will certainly not be my last. In a nutshell… I will always love and come back to New Orleans. Many cities scramble for the coveted title of “melting pot” but NOLA is...
Rome is an incredible city, but can be hard on the wallet if you aren’t well-informed. I’ve put together a guide on how to see what you’d like in Rome for free.
For hundreds of years, living in France has been synonymous with living the perfect artist’s lifestyle. Here's a tour of the artist homes you can visit and see how they lived and worked.
She might not be the most respected performer out there today, but there are many days when I feel exactly what Azealia Banks meant when she released her album titled Broke with Expensive Taste. Here’s a list of how you can sneak into a bunch of museums in New York without paying a cent. It’s time to feel classy and refined. Note: some of the free admissions days...